
Prof. Dr. Hanna Eglinger is a Professor of Comparative Literature with a focus on Northern European literature and Scandinavian studies the Friedrich-Alexander Universiät Erlangen-Nürnberg. Before she was a literary scholar at the Department of Nordic Philology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. She is interested in polar literature, contemporary literature, the early modern period, text-image connections, theories of body and initial constellations.

Prof. Dr. Frederike Felcht holds a professorship in Scandinavian Studies at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. Her fields of research are 19th- and 20th-century Scandinavian literature; ecology and literature; poverty in Scandinavian literature; hunger in literature and history; Hans Christian Andersen, and literature and globalization. 

Prof. Dr. Joachim Grage is a Professor of modern Scandinavian literature and culture at the Department of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Freiburg. His main research areas are Scandinavian literature in the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, Søren Kierkegaard, the intermediality and performativity of literature and music, German-Scandinavian literary relations, children's literature and young adult fiction.

Since 1992, Prof. Dr. Bernd Henningsen was a Professor for Northern European culture and politics and the Baltic Sea Region at the Department of Northern European Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He is retired since 2010 and acts as Honorary Professor. He is the co-founder of NORDEUROPAforum and is interested in cultural and political studies perspectives on Northern Europe.

Prof. Dr. Sven Jochem is a political scientist and Professor in the faculty of political and administrative science at Universität Konstanz. He is an expert in the fields of employment policy, welfare state and democracy research with a particular focus on Scandinavia.

Prof. Dr. Muriel Norde is a Professor of Scandinavian Linguistics, Department of Northern European Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research focuses on historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, and morphology.

Prof. Dr. Clemens Räthel is Professor for Modern Scandinavian Literatures at the Department of Finnish and Scandinavian Studies, University of Greifswald. His research interests are theater history, contemporary opera and literature in the Scandinavian countries as well as Jewish-Scandinavian exchange relations.

Prof. Dr. Lena Rohrbach is Professor of Scandinavian studies at the universities of Basel and Zurich. Among her interests are literacy, mediality and codicology, cultural narratology, literary anthropology, saga literature and medieval and early modern legal traditions.

Dr. Anna Sandberg is Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen at the Institute for English, German and Romance Studies. In addition to the history of German-Danish cultural relations from about 1750 to the present, her areas of interest include the literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism as well as ecocriticism and migration literature.

Prof. Dr. Joachim Schiedermair is a Professor of Nordic Philology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich. His research topics are Scandinavian literature since the 19th century, literary theory, pictorial turn, literature studies as cultural studies and secularisation as narration.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Michael Schröder is a Professor of Scandinavian studies (cultural and literary studies) at the Universität zu Köln. His focus lies on Scandinavian cultural, literary and media history in the 18th up to the 20th century.

Prof. Dr. Ralph Tuchtenhagen is a historian and Professor of Scandinavian studies / cultural studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He is interested in the history and culture of Northern Europe, the Baltic Sea area, Russia, the arctic and the North Atlantic, the history of historical writing and the exploration of Northern Europe, the Reformation, the Thirty Years’ War, the European Enlightenment, and European nationalism and imperialism.

Editor in Chief

Dr. Inken Dose is a sciene and research manager and a Scandinavianist focusing on cultural studies and politics. She is the editor-in-chief of NORDEUROPAforum. Her areas of interest are national minorities, regional co-operation and the Baltic Sea region.  

Dr. Katharina Müller is an academic administrator at the Institute for German Studies, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Bonn. She is editor-in-chief of NORDEUROPAforum and a Scandinavian literature and cultural studies scholar and focuses primarily on performativity, literary practices, contemporary Scandinavian literature, and Scandinavian literature around 1900.

Student Assistants

Merle-Maleen Dierks

Merle Dierks is a student assistant responsible for the NORDEUROPAforum blog and social media. She is studying Scandinavian Studies and Communication Science in Greifswald and spent her winter semester 2023/24 in Växjö at Linné University. Merle is interested in Scandinavian salon culture and feminism in Sweden, as well as the representation of illness and mourning culture in literature.

Tim Hager

Tim Hager is the managing editor at NORDEUROPAforum. After completing his training as a digital and print media designer in 2018, he began studying Scandinavian studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with a focus on literature and linguistics. In addition to Scandinavian languages, his main areas of interest include gender and queer studies, the representation of mental illness, and the literary reception of taboos.

Rebecca Jakobi

Rebecca Jakobi is a student assistant and responsible for the coordination of reviews and annotations at NORDEUROPAforum. After completing her bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature and Scandinavian Studies in 2019, she is now pursuing her master’s degree in Scandinavian Studies. Her academic interests include space and place theories, autofiction and connections between Old Norse and modern literature. She is also working as a literary translator from Danish to German.

Editorial Staff

Lea Baumgarten

Lea Baumgarten, M.A., was a research assistant at the University of Zurich’s Department of German studies. She is a literary scholar whose research focuses on medieval studies, especially Scandinavian courtly literature and its European context, as well as the history of German and Scandinavian studies.

Dr. Izabela Dahl is associate professor and senior lecturer in history at the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Örebro University (Sweden). Before she was an associate at the Department of Northern European Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and at Gothenburg University. Her research focus is on migration studies, humanitarian aid, Jewish history and history of anti-Semitism, cultures of remembrance and international relations in Northern Europe.

Dr. Tobias Etzold is a researcher in the Security and Defense Research Group at the Norwegian Institute for Foreign Policy/Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI) in Oslo. The political scientist is an expert on regional cooperation in Northern Europe and the Baltic Sea region, security issues in Northern Europe and the Arctic, EU relations of the Nordic and Baltic countries and German-Nordic cooperation.

Jens Gmeiner

Jens Gmeiner, M.A., is an associate at the Department of Democracy Studies at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and is pursuing a doctorate concerning the transformation process that has been occurring in the Swedish Moderate party since 2002. In his research, he focuses primarily on Scandinavian party systems and societies, with the relationship between religion and politics, as well as welfare state research.

Prof. Dr. Ian Peter Grohse is a historian and works at the Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology, University of Tromsø (NOR). Before going to Norway, he was a postdoctoral fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at the Department of History at the University of Münster. His field of research encompasses the social and political history of Northern Europe in the Middle Ages, focusing on migration and immigration in Scandinavia and the North Atlantic during the 14th and 15th century.

Prof. Dr. Kate Heslop is Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Advisor at the Department for Scandinavian Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Her research centres on Old Norse textual culture, especially skaldic and eddic poetry, the sagas and the heroic tradition. She approaches this material from a medial perspective, and asks what ‘media theory’ we can detect– in an epoch before the mass media—in Old Norse texts and images.

Brandon Kaaz, M.A., is a research assistant at the Department for Scandinavian Studies at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. His research focus includes the sea and the environment in Scandinavian literature, the Anthropocene and psychoanalytic theory. He is interested in how the relationship between humans and the environment manifests itself in the psyche and influences literature.

Nora Kauffeldt, MA, is a doctoral student at the Department of Nordic Studies at the University of Basel. She writes her doctoral thesis on the narrative and material transmission of landscape knowledge in Old Icelandic manuscripts. Her main areas of interest include spatial and landscape theory, historical geography and the narrativity of Icelandic sagas. In addition, she is interested in the communication of Scandinavian cultural history within the framework of tourism concepts.

Peer Krumrey

Peer Krumrey, M. A., is a political scientist and historian and headed the country offices in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung from 2018 to 2021. Previously, he worked for the foundation in Sweden and served as a desk officer for the Nordic countries. He is currently a social counselor at the German Embassy in Serbia. His main topics are Nordic cooperation, energy policy, the relationship of the Nordic countries to the EU and the socio-political transformation processes in the Baltic States.

Dr. Patrick Ledderose is a research associate at the Department of Nordic Philology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. His research interests include Scandinavian drama and theater since 1900, literary concepts of the parasitic, and representations of crowds in modern Scandinavian literature. 

Patrick Mächler

Dr. Patrick Mächler has a background in Scandinavian and (Old) Germanic linguistics. He worked as a senior assistant for Scandinavian linguistics at the German Department of the University of Zurich. His main areas of interest include language change (with a special focus on language change of non- or less standardized varieties of the North Germanic area), principles of morphological change, dialectology and etymology. 

Dr. Judith Meurer-Bongardt is a research associate at the Department of Scandinavian Linguistics and Literatures at Universität Bonn. She pursued and gained her doctorate at the Department of Literary Studies at Åbo Akademi in Turku (Finland), examining the Finnish-Swedish literature of classical modernism by the example of the female writer Hagar Olsson. Her fields of research include the relationship between literature and modernism, Finnish-Swedish literature, utopia/dystopia studies, gender studies, and environmentally committed literature.

Dr. Sabine Meyer is a research associate at the Department of Finnish and Scandinavian Studies at the University of Greifswald. Her research interest include Scandinavian trans* history, queer representations in film and media, and the the idea of obsession as entangled with literature, canonization, and critique.

Swantje Opitz, M.A., is a research assistant at the Scandinavian Seminar at the University of Göttingen. She is a cultural and literary scholar and is doing her doctorate on representations of Sami identity in German museums. Her focus is on deconstructing colonial structures and emphasising indigenous perspectives.

Michael Penk

Michael Penk, M.A., is a historical scholar and doctoral student at the Department of History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His interest lies in the history of international relations in the North Atlantic area.

Dr. Friederike Richter is a PostDoc in the project “Resonating networks. Discursive, spatial and personal hubs of research paradigms in Old Norse studies (1650–1950)” at Nordeuropa-Institut at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Their research interests are manuscript and book culture from the Middle Ages to Early Modern Times with a focus on materiality and visuality, the construction of national identities and cultural memory, the concept of text, source criticism as well as the history of Scandinavian Studies. 

Hanna Rinderle is a research associate at the Department of Northern European Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research focuses on contemporary Scandinavian studies, where she deals with (post-)colonial literature and literary Africanism, as well as autobiographical and autofictional writing.

Dr. Katie Ritson is research fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment & Society and affiliated researcher at the Institute for Nordic Philology, LMU Munich. After studying German, Comparative Literature, and Scandinavian languages and literature in Cambridge and Munich, she completed her doctoral degree in 2016 in Scandinavian Studies with a dissertation on the North Sea coasts in literature. As one of the coordinators of the Ecocritical Network in Scandinavian Studies (ENSCAN), she is committed to developing ecocritical themes in Scandinavian Studies. Further research interests include environmental humanities, interdisciplinarity, and gender studies.

Prof. Dr. Lukas Rösli is Junior Professor of Scandinavian Medieval Studies at the Department of Northern European Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His research interests include the literatures and cultures of pre-modern Scandinavia, Eddic mythology, manuscript and book history, memory studies and the ideology-critical history of the subject and reception studies.

Dr. Arne Segelke studied history, Scandinavian studies and art history in Hamburg, Freiburg and Kiel and completed his doctorate at the Department for Northern European Studies (NI) at Humboldt-Universiät zu Berlin. He is currently working as a research assistant at the Chair of Nordic History at the University of Greifswald. 

Ebbe Volquardsen, M.A., is head of department and assistant professor at the Department for Cultural and Social History, Institute of Culture, Language and History, University Ilisimatusarfik in Nuuk. Before that he was a research and teaching assistant of Scandinavian literatures, Dept. of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies, University of Greifswald. He was a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. He is a former editor-in-chief of NORDEUROPAforum (2013-2014) and is interested in the literary and cultural histories of Denmark, Greenland and the North Atlantic area, colonialism and post-colonialism, globalisation theory and global history.

Dr. Merle Weßel is a postdoctoral researcher in ethics in medicine at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Her main research focus is on gender, feminist theory, medical humanities and history of medicine in Northern Europe in the twentieth century.

Prof. Dr. Antje Wischmann has been Professor for Literature and Cultural Studies at the Department of Scandinavian Studies, Institute for European and Comparative Linguistics and Literature at the University of Vienna since 2014. Her areas of research and teaching are: Scandinavian literature from the 19th to the 21st century, cultural-scientifically extended approaches in literary studies, temporality and spatiality of literature, urbanism, mobility, utopias and dystopias, multilingual literature.

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